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Practicing (Episode 4): Chrissy Daniels and Dan Lundergan

For the past 20 years, Chrissy Daniels and Dan Lundergan have been hard at work – building culture, building space, building experiences and building trust. Practicing interviews are conversations between partners about why the work matters. Our goal is to preserve and share the stories of the teams at University of Utah Health.

Avoiding a Fashion Faux-pas: 6 Steps To the Perfect Tie Length

Improvement science is about making everyday tasks easier and faster. This week, Steve uses the 6-phase value improvement methodology to build a highly-reliable morning routine.

Why Rounding Works for Patient Satisfaction

Research* shows that nurse leader rounds improves a patient’s experience. This practice remains high on the list of manager “must-do’s.” But where to start, and how to keep going? Nurse Managers Melinda Patterson and Jane Nielsen share their practical approaches to moving this idea into action.

Patient Designers On Discharge Education

Reducing readmissions requires patient partnership. Ever wonder why your thoughtfully planned improvement to reduce readmissions didn’t quite achieve the goal? This month, the Patient Design Studio weighs in with simple advice: make it easy for me to find what I need to know.

There’s No Place Like Home After Joint Replacement

The joint replacement team—Drs. Pelt, Gililland, Peters, PA Jill Erickson, and clinic manager Piper Ferrell—explain why going home after a joint replacement is better than going to a post-acute care facility. Their data shows that going home means better value for the patient: a healthier recovery at a lower cost.

Unraveling Payment: Retrospective vs. Prospective Payment

We asked Zac Watne, Utah’s payment innovation manager (he gets paid to understand the volatile world of payment reform) to give us a primer on “bundles.” Regardless of change happening in healthcare, thought leaders predict that payment reform, and specifically bundled payments, are here to stay. Why? Bundles deliver care with improved outcomes at a lower price all over the United States. In this post, Zac outlines the difference between retrospective and prospective payment.

Check Sheets: One Weird Trick to Gather Meaningful Data

This week, Steve describes a genius (yet simple) data collection tool: the check sheet. Colline Prasad and the SSTU nursing team used check sheets in their work reducing call lights, a project that turned out to be a triple-win; an intervention that improved patient perception of responsiveness, increased patient safety, and decreased nurse distraction.

Is Grit the Key to Success in Work and Life?

In Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Angela Duckworth argues that an individual’s grit is a better predictor of long-term success, more than talent or IQ. Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance for long-term goals. Director of strategic initiatives Chrissy Daniels shares three key insights from the book and shines a light on Utah's grit.

Is It Better To Have An MVP or A MVT (most valuable team)?

Dr. Kyle Bradford Jones is back, this time with baseball analogies. Team success means having a team of contributors instead of one MVP. Jones writes that specific factors—positivity and team identity—are critical to nurturing a successful team.

Teamwork Must-have: Compelling Vision

Accelerate frequently chronicles the hard work of building and nurturing teams because we believe that real teams are the antidote to the chaos of modern medicine (in the words of Dr. Tom Lee). Here, we highlight a necessary ingredient of high-performing teams: compelling vision.

The Effective Communicator: Sticking the Landing

The Effective Communicator is back to answer your troublesome communication questions. This week: how to keep your audience's attention.

Standard Work in Health Care: Examples (Part 2)

Last time in the Dojo, the topic was standard work. This time, Steve gives local examples of great standard work within our walls. Though we still have a long way to go, we’re off to a great start.