It can be an energetic and fun process when a team collaborates to build a map. A group effort can result in a messy, but closer to accurate, depiction of the work.
Luca Boi

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Making Valuable Work Visible

Vascular surgeon Brigitte Smith is about to start her second year leading a value improvement curriculum for surgery residents. She believes you can’t be a great provider until you’re ready to lead a team to improve care delivery. Here, Smith shares the importance of recognition in motivating residents (and their teams) to learn to improve.

Practicing (Episode 4): Chrissy Daniels and Dan Lundergan

For the past 20 years, Chrissy Daniels and Dan Lundergan have been hard at work – building culture, building space, building experiences and building trust. Practicing interviews are conversations between partners about why the work matters. Our goal is to preserve and share the stories of the teams at University of Utah Health.

Teamwork Must-have: Compelling Vision

Accelerate frequently chronicles the hard work of building and nurturing teams because we believe that real teams are the antidote to the chaos of modern medicine (in the words of Dr. Tom Lee). Here, we highlight a necessary ingredient of high-performing teams: compelling vision.

Practicing (Episode 3): Linda Tyler and Erin Fox

Real teams are the antidote to the chaos of modern medicine. “Real teams know each other, feel loyalty to one another, trust one another, and would not want to disappoint one another” (Tom Lee, NEJM Catalyst 2016). Practicing are conversations between real team members about why the work matters. Our goal is to preserve and share the stories of the teams at University of Utah Healthcare.

Is Teamwork the Solution to “Wicked” Health Care?

Department of family and preventive medicine physician Kyle Bradford Jones explains why our health care system feels so piecemeal (it’s designed that way) and suggests that better teamwork might be the only practical antidote.

Building a Real Team With Trust

According to Melissa Horn, changing a culture takes three years. She would know. Melissa has had the unusual leadership challenge of being “the fixer” for four different clinics at University of Utah Health as director of outpatient women’s clinics. Accelerate learned how Melissa creates authentic teams (hint: it’s hard work and there are no shortcuts).

The Bobcast with Dr. Mark Eliason

Chief Medical Quality Officer interviews Dr. Mark Eliason, Department of Dermatology’s chief value officer. Dr. Eliason talks about what he has learned about engaging the entire team in improvement and how he is trying to make the clinical lives of dermatologists a bit easier.

How Utah Builds Trust With Patient Experience

Trust. That’s what we want. We want to earn and keep the trust of every patient. We want them to trust that we provide the best possible medical care. But more than that, we want them to trust that we will respond to their needs, coordinate our efforts, and provide them with available options. We want them to trust that we will answer our phones, explain their treatment, and value their time. The exceptional patient experience is an enterprise-wide system designed to deliver a singular output: trust. And, this enterprise-wide system is built on trusting our providers and our teams.

The Bobcast with Dr. Peter Weir

There are two big buzzwords in healthcare – one is value-based care, and the other is population health. In this podcast, Chief Medical Quality Officer Bob Pendleton interviews Dr. Peter Weir. As executive medical director of population health, it's Dr. Weir's job to set the tone and direction for pop health, moving it from buzz to action. This is no small feat.

Practicing (Episode 2): Brad Wiggins and Dr. Steve Morris

Real teams are the antidote to the chaos of modern medicine. “Real teams know each other, feel loyalty to one another, trust one another, and would not want to disappoint one another” (Tom Lee, NEJM Catalyst 2016). Practicing are conversations between real team members about why the work matters. Our goal is to preserve and share the stories of the teams at University of Utah Healthcare.

Top 5 "Whys" of 2016

We believe that improvement in healthcare needs more connection to what makes this hard work meaningful. That’s why we ask every person who contributes to Accelerate – how did you get into healthcare? There are easier jobs out there, so what keeps you here? Here are a few of our favorite answers.

The Bobcast with Dr. Brigitte Smith

In this podcast, Utah’s Chief Medical Quality Officer interviews Brigitte Smith. A vascular surgeon who joined the University of Utah in 2015, Dr. Smith has quickly become a thought leader in transforming training for future physicians in value (both medical school and residency programs). Their conversation pinpoints an inconvenient truth—we may be a generation away from a culture of value-driven healthcare.