Self-compassion is not kicking yourself when you’re down, which prolongs stress reactions, creates more suffering, and delays your ability to get back up. Instead, self-compassion is about treating yourself as you would treat a good friend in distress. It is about responding with caring support.
Jean Whitlock, Trinh Mai, Megan Call, and Jake Van Epps

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Joy in Work Program (formerly Wellness Champions)

An improvement-science framework to foster wellbeing in the workplace.

Is This Normal? What to Do With the Stress in Your Body

We’re all managing unprecedented stress and fear. What is “normal” right now? How do I cope? Social worker Jean Whitlock describes how our body protects us and offers some strategies to help.

How to Recover from Adverse Events

Health care workers experience trauma every day in multiple ways, making it difficult to fully recover. Jake Van Epps shares tips for recovering and supporting your colleagues through these adverse events.

Integrating Movement (or Relaxation) Breaks to Promote Well-being

Taking time throughout the day to move is a great way to add physical activity to your routine and carve out space to reflect and recover. Wellness programs manager Britta Trepp, College of Health Graduate student Karly Ackley and physical therapist Tasha Olsen walk us through the motions.

Tips for New Faculty: What I Wish I Knew When I Joined the U

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Take a Break! The Case for Prioritizing Rest Breaks

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Setting the Stage for Psychological Safety: 6 Steps for Leaders

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Using Check-In Questions to Promote Well-Being

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A Path to Achieving Practice Efficiency

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Using Emotion Coaching to Build a Peer Support Culture

Emotion coaching is a skill that can help validate a person’s experience—but it takes practice. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to use this important skill with patients, co-workers, family members and friends.

If Covid-19 is a Marathon, How Do I Recover?

As our health care system continues to address pandemic-related employee burnout and fatigue, we can apply simple strategies to enhance our own recovery. Psychologist Megan Call and physical therapist Keith Roper return to a previous marathon analogy to share five recovery strategies for individuals and teams.

How to Find (or Reignite) Your Inspiration

After a year like none other, feeling inspired and motivated takes hard work. Interim Chief Operating Officer Alison Flynn Gaffney walks us through how to find and reignite inspiration and motivation.