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2021 Well-being and Resilience Poster Fair

The Resiliency Center's Wellness Champion Program shares posters from this year's Annual Well-being and Resilience Poster Fair.

How Saba Parvez is Moving Forward

Research scientist Saba Parvez shares his personal story of grief and struggle from last year, and his hope and silver linings for the future.

Addiction is More Common Than You Think: Let's Eliminate the Stigma and Break the Silence

Addiction specialist psychiatrist Beth Howell addresses the stigma and silence of substance abuse in health professions. If you or someone you know is struggling, there’s a global community of anonymized support.

How Environmental Services Balances the Scale of Resiliency

Step into the shoes of James Mwizerwa, environmental services supervisor, to learn how he and his team stay resilient and persevere through their demanding work.

The Uncomfortable Conversation You Need to Have

Many people, including health care professionals, are turning to alcohol and other substances to help cope with the stresses of Covid-19. Licensed psychologist Kelly Lundberg shares how to talk to colleagues who may be silently suffering.

How to Practice Three Good Things

Mindfulness educators Trinh Mai, Jean Whitlock, and Rob Davies guide us through a quick and simple exercise for reducing burnout and increasing well-being by remembering positive experiences and reflection.

Assess Your Stress–Where Are You on the Stress Continuum?

There may be light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, but that doesn’t mean the stressful days are behind us. Jean Whitlock, of the Resiliency Center, shares how you and your teams can assess your stress levels and identify ways to manage them.

If COVID-19 is a Marathon, How Do I Get to the Finish Line?

Lifelong runner and psychologist Megan Call shares six practical strategies that work for all of us, non-runners included.

Team Burnout is Real: 3 Questions to Help Course Correct

Family Physician and Chief Wellness Officer Amy Locke outlines three questions to ask to help teams reduce burnout and get back on track.

Scared and Alone, Patients Find Comfort in Their Caregivers

The pandemic has been especially hard on Utah’s Hispanic population. Cornelio Morales, health care assistant in the MICU, shares his experiences caring for patients that are alone and scared as they struggle through a confusing illness. While the work is difficult, Morales finds comfort in his team, knowing they are always giving patients the best care possible.

The Story of Fayna

Trixie Lavender shares her love of writing fantasy fiction with a story about a fairy named Fayna from the planet Onthrani.

Embrace Love of Self

Arlais Rune, contracting officer for the Office of Sponsored Projects, shares a haiku she wrote about her journey of self-acceptance and how listening to and validating others leads to a much more authentic, vibrant community.