Trainees who feel empowered to be vulnerable, seek out connection, and embrace growth help restore humanity to a health care system that sometimes feels isolating and mechanized.
Katie Gradick

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Finding Beauty in a Broken World

Terry Tempest Williams is a writer, naturalist, activist, educator—and patient. As our workforce prepares to care for more patients, she asked her physician, Dr. Tom Miller, to put her to work. In this first “Dispatch from the Desert,” Terry offers solace by way of a brief transport to Castle Valley, Utah.

3 Ways To Build Mindful Habits

Health care is complicated, emotionally challenging work. Thriving in complexity requires two things: continuous system improvement and building individual resilience. This article focuses on three ways we can build habits that support individual resilience from three experts who do it every day.

Practice: Body Scan

Mindfulness instructors Rob Davies and Heidi O’Donoghue guide us through the body scan, a simple meditation that helps relax the body — and as a bonus, can also help you sleep.

Practice: Awareness of Breath

Mindfulness instructors Heidi O’Donoghue and Trinh Mai guide us through a simple breathing exercise. Practiced regularly, this meditation cultivates awareness, concentration, and calmness.

Peer Review: What I Learned at Utah Advanced Communication Training

In November 2017, hepatologist and liver transplant specialist Juan Gallegos-Orozco completed the inaugural Utah Advanced Communication Training seminar. Accelerate sat down with Gallegos-Orozco to talk about UACT and how it changed his perspective on communication.

How To Master The Art of Communication

From pediatrics to palliative care, a common thread runs through physician Joan Sheetz’s career: effective communication. That explains how she ended up co-directing UACT — Utah Advanced Communication Training that focuses on tools to enhance patient and peer interactions.

Our Community's Best of Utah

We're wrapping up our new faculty welcome with a short list from Accelerate's advisors on where to eat, what to do and a few locals-only insider tips.

Five Ways to Cultivate Empathy

We have learned that wisdom from the community comes in many forms. Sometimes the most interesting perspectives appear in the comments as a footnote to a peer's post. Here are five ways to cultivate empathy—curated wisdom from the comments.